Understand the results you see when looking for a Las Vegas bathroom remodeling company or a Las Vegas kitchen remodeling company.
When you search for a kitchen & bathroom remodel Las Vegas company you first need to understand what keywords get you the top search. For bathroom remodeling it's bathroom remodel Las Vegas. And for kitchen remodeling it's kitchen remodel Las Vegas. These keywords are what most of these Las Vegas contractors or Las Vegas general contractors are targeting. So as a rule you would get more prime results when you Google kitchen remodel Las Vegas or kitchen remodel Las Vegas.
So now that we understand the keywords for bathroom and kitchen remodeling in Las Vegas, what are the results we are seeing?
Whether you Googled bathroom remodel Las Vegas or kitchen remodel Las Vegas you'll notice that the first three results are not organic. This is because they are paid advertising for companies that are trying to gather leads under the keyword of '' kitchen remodel Las Vegas '' and '' bathroom remodel Las Vegas ''. The problem with these results is that we don't know if they are local companies that offer kitchen and bathroom remodeling in Las Vegas. In fact, they could be selling leads to non-licensed companies for all we know. Now don't get me wrong they can be licensed but in ads you can never be sure.
The next results you see under kitchen remodel or bathroom remodel is the Google map results. In most cases Google will show three companies that are Local Las Vegas kitchen remodeling companies or local Las Vegas bathroom remodeling companies ( they are usually the closest ones to you that is believed to be relevant to your search). These companies might not be licensed but in some industries Google might check (but not sure), If you do see four companies listed under Google maps it's because Google does allow local companies to advertise there under Las Vegas kitchen remodel and Las Vegas bathroom remodel. (Please note that if a company is listed under Google maps under kitchen remodel Las Vegas or bathroom remodel Las Vegas they probably had to verify their location by post card).
The next results you see for kitchen remodel Las Vegas or bathroom remodel Las Vegas under the Google map results is what we SEO guys call organic results. These results are what the search engine considers most relevant. And in this case Google thinks that these companies showing under kitchen remodeling in Las Vegas and bathroom remodeling in Las Vegas is the most relevant. Here is what it looks like search kitchen results link and bathroom results link.
In many case you might not think it's the most relevant but remember you can just continue to scroll to the next page.
See useful links regarding Las Vegas kitchen remodeling and Las Vegas bathroom remodeling.
Houzz results for kitchen and bathroom remodeling Las Vegas contractor - Kitchen remodel results for Las Vegas.
Bathroom remodel results on Yelp for Las Vegas - Walk-in bathtub or shower ideal for safety reasons.
Bathroom Supplies in Las Vegas, NV - Harrah's Las Vegas Unveils a $200 Million Renovation.
5 homes that have chef's kitchen but are expensive in Las Vegas - How to save on kitchen remodeling.
Who offer Las Vegas kitchen remodel and Las Vegas bathroom remodel.
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